Fully occupied apartment building offering an attractive annual interest rate

Total investors Funding target
€ 625,250 € 625,000
Holding period
This project has been successfully repaid.
6,0% Interest p.a.
15 Months ca. Term
  • Investment type Loan receivables
  • Interest payments Semi-annually
  • Funding threshold € 425,000
  • Funding target € 625,000
Note in accordance with section 12 (2) of the German Investment Act (Vermögensanlagengesetz):
The acquisition of this financial instrument involves considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the capital employed.

Still want to see BERLIN SCHEIBLERSTRASSE details?

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Investment Overview

  • Investment Overview
  • Attractive interest rate of 6 % interest p.a. 
  • No fees for investors - neither premium nor ongoing management fee
  • Semi-annual interest payments
  • development of an existing property
  • Short term of 12 months (with an extension option of 6 months)

4 reasons to invest


Attractive location

The property is located in the Berlin district Treptow-Köpenick in the district Berlin-Baumschulenweg. Developments in the region will have a positive effect on the location and the still relatively low purchase prices will increase noticeably.

Great interest

The interest rate of 6.0% p.a. represents a very attractive rate of return for existing residential properties. A plus is also the semi-annual interest rate. The first interest payment is already due on 31.12.2020. In the event of premature termination of the investment by the issuer, for the first time from the 7th month after the start of the loan, the lender is entitled to a one-off payment of a bonus interest of 2% p.a. in addition to the fixed interest rate, based on each month of the loan amount not taken up. This increases the annual yield of the lender.


The investment has several securities for the investor. The borrower has assigned its profit claims from the rental and purchase prices to a trustee in favour of the investors. This ensures that no profits are transferred from the project before the investor's money, including interest, has been fully repaid or paid out. In addition, the Issuer will not take up any further financing for the investment object which is equal or prior-ranking in relation to the financing arranged by iFunded.

Short term

With a planned duration of twelve months, the project will be completed within a very manageable period of time for real estate. Even with the optional extension by six months, the total period would be only 18 months. This makes it easier for investors to forecast the risk of the investment and the possible negative factors influencing the project.


The mezzanine loan is being provided by 237 GmbH & Co. Vermögensverwaltung KG. The project company was founded for the purpose of handling the project. The project company is backed by Stream Real Estate S.A. 

STREAM Real Estate S.A. was founded to offer institutional investors and high net worth private clients broad access to the real estate market on the one hand, and to meet the increased demands on structures and their management on the other.

The German subsidiary projektWERT GmbH (formerly STREAM Real Estate Services GmbH) is responsible for property-specific tasks. projektWERT GmbH is the general partner of the project company. In its branches in Trier and Ratingen, experienced real estate professionals take care of active asset & investment management in order to achieve sustainable value creation.

Stream Real Estate draws on many years of experience in the realisation of construction projects. Mr. Tobias Theis is a founding partner of STREAM Real Estate S.A. Within the group, Mr. Theis is responsible for the acquisition and marketing of real estate projects as well as the coordination and implementation of rental activities. 

Mr. Christian Bäumer is Managing Partner of STREAM Real Estate S.A. He is responsible for the management of the Luxembourg office and is in charge of transaction and investment management.

Mr. Michael Grüber is Managing Partner of STREAM Real Estate S.A. and Managing Partner of projektWERT GmbH in Germany. At projektWERT GmbH his main focus of activity is the structuring, auditing and implementation of real estate investments.



Project An apartment building
Usage Residential
Living space 1,032 m²
Occupancy rate Fully occupied
Location Scheiblerstraße 3, 12473 Berlin
Funding-Goal 625,000 €
Minimum duration 12 months
Repayment Sale of the property
Interest rate payments Every six months

Great Location


Berlin remains one of the most dynamic cities in Germany. The number of inhabitants and economic output have been rising continuously for many years - and with them the demand for living space," concludes the Housing Market Report of Berlin Hyp and CBRE. The official population forecast for 2015 to 2030 assumes an average growth rate of 7.5%. In 2018 alone, Berlin will have grown by 31,300 inhabitants.


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